Modernize Your Big Block Chevy
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So you want a Big Block Chevy. The legendary engine platform is still a prime choice for hot rodders. These engines are just as popular as they were 20 years ago when LS swaps were starting to gain in popularity. Here at Concept One, our bbc serpentine kit continues to sell well, despite LS fever. Long live the big block Chevy! Here are two big questions: 1) What makes Big Block Chevy engines so great? 2) Can a Big Block Chevy be modernized to meet today's standards for efficiency and reliability? Let's dig in to these topics. Check out the pan rails of this Dart Big M block. The notches accommodate giant stroker crankshafts without encroaching on the oil pan...

What Does A Serpentine Belt Kit Do?
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The only way to guarantee proper belt alignment and bolt-on installation is to buy a complete system that includes the accessory drive components.